Bauhaus documenta by Birgit Jooss, Wilhelm Ostwald, Daniel Tyradellis Online-Verkauf
- Description
Bauhaus documenta by Birgit Jooss, Wilhelm Ostwald, Daniel Tyradellis
Bauhaus and documenta are two globally successful cultural brands, representing a modern Germany that is both cosmopolitan and innovative. They both came into being at a time when civilization was in a state of collapse, and they both exemplify the idea of the liberating power of art and culture. Looking at them in parallel brings out their similarities and differences and reveals that to some extent they serve to complement one another: for the one, the focus is on mass-produced articles and their everyday usage; the idea of universalism; and the design of consumer goods; for the other, encounters with unique artworks; the experience of diversity; and the critiquing of capitalist consumerism. In a series of critical essays, bolstered by a selection of original material, the publication examines fundamental, yet frequently overlooked aspects of the two cultural brands, whose profile is now once again a controversial subject of debate. The book is published in conjunction with the
exhibition presented at the Neue Galerie Kassel from 24 May to 8 September 2019.
Text: Gerda Breuer, Bazon Brock, Kathryn M. Floyd, Andreas Gardt, Walter Grasskamp, Martin Groh, Birgit Jooss, Christiane Keim, Harald Kimpel, Gila Kolb, Julia Meer, Philipp Oswalt, Anna Rühl,
Nora Sternfeld, Daniela Stöppel, Annette Tietenberg, Fred Turner, Daniel Tyradellis, Wolfgang Ullrich, Frank Werner a.o.
Width: 23.7 cm
Length: 32.4 cm
Language(s): English